June 24, 2015

Summer Safety Tips

Without the appropriate clothing, protecting and education, summertime can also bring multiple health issues. Dehydration may increase the risk of serious cardiovascular events such as heart attach, stroke, or kidney failure. It is also a major concern for seniors and children in the summertime. As always, remember to stay hydrated as heat exhaustion and sunburn are some of the common ailments during the summer. Here are some ways that we can all help stay safe in the summer heat: - Stay hydrated and drink lots of water (or add a Gatorade in the mix to keep your electrolytes balanced). - Wear layered clothing so you can add layers when going into the air conditioning and remove layers when out in the heat. Try and avoid any dark or black clothing as it attracts more heat to the body. - If you can, try and skip the sun exposure by staying inside and finding indoor activities such as a movie or games. - Keep your kitchen cool by not cooking a hot meal. Wait until the sun goes down or make sure that there's enough air circulation and movement to keep it from overheating. Iowa Home Care provides skilled nursing services and home health aides to you or a loved one in the comfort of your home. Please contact us for more information.

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