Why Iowa Home Care?
When you have patients that will benefit from home health care you want a partner that will accept all of your cases, including the most challenging. You want excellent clinical results. You want an easy referral process. Iowa Home Care is ready to be your resource.
We’re simple and easy to use. Just call or fax our closest office and we’ll take it from there. See our Coverage Area if you have questions about our service areas.
phone: 515.432.4430
fax: 515.432.4449
Des Moines
phone: 515.222.9995
fax: 515.222.9985
Fort Dodge
phone: 515.576.2273
fax: 515.576.2989
phone: 641.752.5545
fax: 641.753.3342
phone: 641.226.5050
fax: 641.226.5699
phone: 641.205.7000
fax: 641.205.7007
We take excellent care of your patients. Our Nurses and Home Health Aides coordinate with you to perform vital services. They become your “eyes and ears” in the home, providing important feedback.
We serve everyone. Iowa Home Care is Medicare/Medicaid certified. We also accept VA, Private Insurance, Elderly Waiver, Ill and Handicapped Waiver, Physical Disability Waiver, I.D. Waiver, HIV/AIDS Waiver, Brain Injury Waiver, and Magellan.

Iowa Home Care, LLC does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. For further information about this policy, contact the West Des Moines Administrator/Section 504 Coordinator at 515-222-9995, the Fort Dodge Administrator/Section 504 Coordinator at 515-576-2273 or the Ottumwa Administrator/Section 504 Coordinator at 641-226-5050. Relay Iowa for Hearing/Speech Impaired: (800) 735-2942 TTY/ASCII (800) 735-2943 VOICE.