Job Overviews
It feels good to know that you have a career that is personally and professionally fulfilling. At Iowa Home Care there are many different roles and each contributes to providing excellent, loving care in the client’s home. Click here to see current openings.
Administrative and Professional. Iowa Home Care employs Accountants, Administrative Professionals of all types, Human Resource Specialists, Marketers (Community Liaisons), Schedulers, and other support staff positions.
Home Health Aides (HHA). Our Home Health Aides provide vital personal care for our clients; assistance with bathing, hygiene, toileting, skin care, transferring, light housekeeping and more.
Medical Social Workers (MSW). Medical Social Workers provide social and emotional support, grief counseling, pain management, and arrange the use of durable medical equipment.
Skilled Nurses (RN and LPN). Nurses perform medication management and teaching, wound care, foot care, diabetic teaching, venipuncture, pain management, supervision of non-licensed staff, psychiatric evaluations and more.
Therapists – Physical, Occupational, and Speech (PT, OT, and ST). Our Therapy partners provide state of the art services, including rehabilitative treatments, gait training, strengthening, balance and mobility, post stroke care, home safety evaluations and more.

Iowa Home Care, LLC does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or age in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. For further information about this policy, contact the West Des Moines Administrator/Section 504 Coordinator at 515-222-9995, the Fort Dodge Administrator/Section 504 Coordinator at 515-576-2273 or the Ottumwa Administrator/Section 504 Coordinator at 641-226-5050. Relay Iowa for Hearing/Speech Impaired: (800) 735-2942 TTY/ASCII (800) 735-2943 VOICE.